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Candy Fernaux Beauty Don't Come Cheap

Beauty Don’t Come Cheap was inspired by a conversation with a man in Dallas who tried to tell me how expensive dating can be. He was successful, so it wasn’t like he didn’t have the money to spend, and he liked beautiful women mind you. I sat there thinking…. he has absolutely NO CLUE! If he thinks dating a beautiful woman is expensive…just wait until he marries her! So- this song goes out to all the men that don’t realize all the time and effort women put into looking amazing.

Candy Fernaux Gone Fishin' copy

Gone Fishin’ is such a fun song and so relatable to anyone who is single and looking for love! For years I was against the online dating world. It seemed so cold and nontraditional. I was not interested at all in playing that game, but all my friends were doing it. I eventually caved to peer pressure and set up a profile on Plenty of Fish.com. Embarrassed I was even on the site, when my friend called one night I told her I was on that damn fishin website. She asked me what kind of bait I had on the hook, and I proceeded to tell her what pictures I had posted, what my profile said, etc. Soon our conversations were all about fishing nibbles on the line, catch of the day It was hilarious!! Even though I hated the thought of online dating, I would have never gotten the inspiration to write this song without that experience!

Candy Fernaux Sweet Innocence

Sweet Innocence was my very first co-write and is such a special song in many ways. My niece was 3 when we wrote this song, and her sweet innocence inspired this song. We were visiting about how she hasn’t a care in the world, is just so sweet and happy! Then that boy comes along and the whole story changes… ha ha ha. This song take you through the innocence of first love, first heartbreak and feeling of being so lost, but then she find the unconditional love of “the Son” in the end.

Candy Fernaux Drinkin' You out of My Mind

Drinkin’ You out of My Mind came to life after two of my close girlfriends went through rough breakups with men they felt they were destined to marry. The end of relationships always comes with many emotions as we say goodbye. We get sad, we get mad, we sing the blues, then we have to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and move on. Just like getting thrown from a horse when the wind gets knocked out of you, you get up and climb back in the saddle. So raise a glass sisters- here’s to finding another horse and riding again!

Candy Fernaux West with the Night

West with the Night is a ballad about my guitar pickin, truck drivin’ airplane flying’ hero: my Gramp. This song brings back my best memories as a child, seeing him living his life and enjoying it to the fullest. I hope West with the Night takes you to a special place where you can visualize this “cowboy gentleman” that hung the moon in our family!